Početni sastanak ERASMUS+ projekta "Managerial and Governance Enhancement through Teaching (MAGNET)" održan u Aleksandrupolisu

Kickoff Meeting of the ERASMUS+ project MANAGERIAL AND GOVERNANCE ENHANCEMENT THROUGH TEACHING (MAGNET) was held in  Alexandroupolis-Greece, 16 – 18 February 2023.  The project falls within the framework of the European Programme Erasmus+ and is co-funded by the European Union. The coordinating partner of the project is the Democritus University of Thrace.  The other partners involved in the project are 12 universities from 8 countries of the Western Balkans: Albania, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro, and Serbia.


The project aims to develop the pedagogical competences of academic staff, to establish Centers of Teaching and Learning (CTLs) for university teachers, and to create a Balkan Network of University Pedagogy (BALKANETUP) through the cooperation of the 12 Higher Education Institutions in the Western Balkans. The meeting was focused on the planning of the MAGNET project activities and to determine the form of administrative procedures, to ensure the orderly implementation of the tasks and duties concerning the project.

The last day of the meeting was dedicated to One-Day Conference titled: “Learning Cycles of University Pedagogy” presenting the best practices from the host Democritus University of Thrace - Center for Teaching and Learning.


University of Sarajevo was represented by vice-rector prof. dr. Dušanka Bošković and vice-rector prof. dr. Dženana Husremović.

ERASMUS+ projekat "Managerial and Governance Enhancement through Teaching (MAGNET)"
Početni sastanak ERASMUS+ projekta "Managerial and Governance Enhancement through Teaching (MAGNET)" održan u Aleksandrupolisu
Početni sastanak ERASMUS+ projekta "Managerial and Governance Enhancement through Teaching (MAGNET)" održan u Aleksandrupolisu
Početni sastanak ERASMUS+ projekta "Managerial and Governance Enhancement through Teaching (MAGNET)" održan u Aleksandrupolisu
Početni sastanak ERASMUS+ projekta "Managerial and Governance Enhancement through Teaching (MAGNET)" održan u Aleksandrupolisu
Početni sastanak ERASMUS+ projekta "Managerial and Governance Enhancement through Teaching (MAGNET)" održan u Aleksandrupolisu
Početni sastanak ERASMUS+ projekta "Managerial and Governance Enhancement through Teaching (MAGNET)" održan u Aleksandrupolisu