Arabic Language Days held at the Faculty of Philosophy, UNSA

Održana manifestacija pod nazivom Dani arapskog jezika na Filozofskom fakultetu UNSA

On Thursday, 21 December 2023, the event Arabic Language Days (18-21 December), marking the International Day of the Arabic Language this academic year, was finished at the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Department of Oriental Philology, Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo.


On Monday, 18 December, Prof. Dr. Amra Mulović and Prof. Dr. Munir Mujić participated in the program marking the International Day of the Arabic Language, organized by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the “King Fahd” Cultural Center.


The central manifestation of the Day of the Arabic Language was held at our Faculty on 19 December, with the presence of a large number of lovers of the Arabic language and culture, as well as representatives of the diplomatic corps of Arab countries in Bosnia and Herzegovina (the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the State of Palestine, the Democratic Republic of Algeria). The program of the students of the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, realized in cooperation with subject teachers and collaborators, offered the attendees some information about the Arabic language, recitals, plays, monologues, and musical numbers, trying to convey the love for the study and the subject of study.


On Wednesday, December 20, the Department hosted Amb. Muhamed Jusić, former ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, who held a lecture and discussion on the topic of the Arab world today: challenges and perspectives.


On the last day of the event, through a quiz, a board game prepared by the students of the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, competitors and other attendees had the opportunity to have fun, win valuable prizes, and learn new information in the Arabic language.


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As a reminder, 18 December as the International Day of the Arabic Language has been celebrated since 2012, and it coincides with the date in 1973 when the United Nations General Assembly accepted the Arabic language as the Organization's sixth official language. More than 300 million people speak Arabic today, and it is the official language of 24 countries around the world.


Arabic language and literature have been studied at the Faculty of Philosophy since the establishment of the Faculty in 1950, within the Department of Oriental Philology (formerly the Department of Oriental Languages, Department of Oriental Languages and Literatures and Department of Oriental Studies).

Održana manifestacija pod nazivom Dani arapskog jezika na Filozofskom fakultetu UNSA
Održana manifestacija pod nazivom Dani arapskog jezika na Filozofskom fakultetu UNSA
Održana manifestacija pod nazivom Dani arapskog jezika na Filozofskom fakultetu UNSA
Održana manifestacija pod nazivom Dani arapskog jezika na Filozofskom fakultetu UNSA
Održana manifestacija pod nazivom Dani arapskog jezika na Filozofskom fakultetu UNSA
Održana manifestacija pod nazivom Dani arapskog jezika na Filozofskom fakultetu UNSA
Održana manifestacija pod nazivom Dani arapskog jezika na Filozofskom fakultetu UNSA
Održana manifestacija pod nazivom Dani arapskog jezika na Filozofskom fakultetu UNSA