The Jordanian Academy of Sciences awarded the prize for the best translation of a book

Jordanska akademija nauka dodijelila nagradu za najbolji prijevod knjige

On 8 December 2021, the Jordanian Academy of Sciences awarded the already traditional prize for the best translation of a book. The 2021 Award was presented by the Jordanian Academy of Sciences to Jordanian narrator and translator Basim al-Za'bi (for the book "Dictatorship of the Enlightened") and Syrian translator Adnan Hasan for the translation of the book by Bosnian Arab scholar Academician Esad Duraković for the book Min al-istishrq ilā 'ilm al-Šarq ”(From Orientalism to Orientology).

The book was published by the Jordanian publishing house Al-Ān nāširūn wa muwazzi'ūn. On this occasion, the Arab media today write about Durakovic's book as a great novelty in the approach and interpretation of the centuries-old Arab tradition - which the expert public in the Arab world described as extremely original even for the Arab world (eg Al-Ra'y magazine, etc. .

Esad Duraković is a member of ANUBiH, and the Jordanian, Syrian and Egyptian Academies of Sciences.

The study was published a few years ago in English by the famous London publisher Routledge.