Signed the Agreement on Mutual Rights and Obligations between the University of Sarajevo and the Faculty of Administration

Potpisan Ugovor o međusobnim pravima i obavezama između Univerziteta u Sarajevu i Fakulteta za upravu

University of Sarajevo Rector Prof. Dr. Rifat Škrijelj and Dean of the Faculty of Management Prof. Dr. Nezir Krčalo signed on 29 November 2018 the Agreement on Mutual Rights and Obligations between the University of Sarajevo and the Faculty of Administration - University of Sarajevo’s Associate Member.

The agreement regulating mutual rights and obligations was signed with the aim of more detailed arrangement of cooperation which will be strengthen the University and Faculty through the opportunities the Faculty will make available to the University: its library, information and spatial capacities, the possibility of participating in joint study programs, research projects and programs exchange, the possibility of using the information and library system, and the possibility of using research equipment in the execution of joint projects.

Upon entry into force of this contract, the Agreement of 24 January 2011 on Mutual Rights and Obligations concluded between the University of Sarajevo and the Faculty of Public Administration in Sarajevo will be terminated.

In addition to the Rector the Faculty Dean, the signing of the Agreement was attended by Prof. Dr. Aida Hodžić, Vice-Rector for Teaching and Student Affairs, Mr. Munib Tahirović, founder of the Faculty of Administration and Doz. Dr. Emir Tahirović.

Potpisan Ugovor o međusobnim pravima i obavezama između Univerziteta u Sarajevu i Fakulteta za upravu
Potpisan Ugovor o međusobnim pravima i obavezama između Univerziteta u Sarajevu i Fakulteta za upravu