An initiative to establish a unified transliteration for library processing of materials in oriental languages

Inicijativa za uspostavljanje jedinstvene transliteracije za bibliotečku obradu građe na orijentalnim jezicima

The University of Sarajevo Library initiated the necessary activities to establish a unified transliteration for the library processing of materials in Oriental languages. On that occasion, a meeting was held at the University of Sarajevo Rectorate on 8 February 2021. The meeting was attended by Prof. Dr. Dušanka Bošković, Vice Rector for Quality, M.Sc. Nadina Grebović-Lendo, University of Sarajevo Library director, National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Virtual Library of BiH, and Faculty of Philosophy, Gazi Husrev-Bey Library librarians and Bosniak Institute - Adil Zulfikarpašić Foundation representatives.
Considering that a large number of libraries at University of Sarajevo organizational units process materials in the COBISS system, activities have been initiated to establish a single transliteration – to expand the list of graphemes in accordance with the ZDMG transliteration system.

It is necessary to make a document that will make recommendations at the level of the University of Sarajevo and facilitate the work of librarians who process materials in Oriental languages.

Inicijativa za uspostavljanje jedinstvene transliteracije za bibliotečku obradu građe na orijentalnim jezicima