Workshop “Irrigation systems in Bosnia and Herzegovina - State and prospects of development“

TIME: 09/06/2021 10: 00-12: 00
VENUE: online
To Whom It May Concern,
We hereby invite you to a workshop entitled “Irrigation Systems in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Status and Prospects for Development. “
The workshop will be organized in two sessions, and aims to bring together stakeholders, farmers, cooperatives, representatives of development agencies, NGOs, producer associations and other relevant institutions, and discuss the problems and prospects of irrigation systems in agricultural production with emphasis on the need to establish individual or joint (large) irrigation systems.
The first session of the workshop, which will focus on the discussion with farmers, will be held online on 9 June 2021 starting at 10:00.
This workshop is organized as part of the H2020-WIDESPREAD: SMARTWATER - Promoting SMART agricultural WATER management in Bosnia and Herzegovina project jointly implemented by the University of Banja Luka (BIH), Centro Internazionale di Altistudi Agronomici Mediterranei (Italy), Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior Deinvestigaciones Cientificas (Spain), Instituto Superior de Agronomia (Portugal), Sysman Progetti & Servizi Srl (Italy), University of Sarajevo (BiH).
The aim of the project is networking, strengthening the research and innovation capacity of stakeholders in the field of sustainable water management in agriculture in BiH.
Please set aside your esteemed time and take part in this workshop, which is very important for the future of agriculture in BiH.
If you are interested, please confirm your participation by e-mail: no later than Monday, 7 June 2021.
All interested participants will subsequently receive an invitation with a link to participate in the workshop.
Note: The workshop will be held in B&H official language