“Exhibition+” Artistic Event

We are pleased to invite you to the “Exhibition+ - the Erasmus+ story through a photo” that will take place on Wednesday, 16 October 2019, 19:00h, the Academy of Fine Arts, University of Sarajevo (Obala Maka Dizdara 3).
As the title says, this is an exhibition of photographs of students/staff members from BiH who participated in the Erasmus+ exchange where the visitor through photography and a brief explanation will be able to gain insight into their experience and experience of overall mobility, but may be motivated to apply for future Erasmus+ mobility calls.
Behind idea of “Exhibition+” is MSc. Adnan Rahimić, International Relations Office, University of Sarajevo, with the support of the Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Nikolić and the Head of the IRO, Dr. Jasna Bošnjović. This idea was transferred into a project that we applied for in the WBAA grant (Western Balkan Alumni Association) and successfully received a grant that made it possible to produce photographs. Certainly we should NOT forget the openness and support given to us by the students and staff of the Universities in BiH by sending us their most beautiful photographs to be shown at this exhibition.
Exhibition+ will be part of the agenda of our Third International Staff Training Week to be held at the University of Sarajevo from 14 to 18 October 2019.