Minister Husić-Mehmedović and Rector Škrijelj visited the Faculties of Philosophy and Education

Ministrica Husić-Mehmedović i rektor Škrijelj posjetili Filozofski fakultet i Pedagoški fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu

CS Minister of Science, Higher Education and Youth, Prof. Dr. Melika Husić-Mehmedović and University of Sarajevo Rector, Prof. Dr. Rifat Škrijelj, together with Prof. Dr. Darko Tomašević, President of the Council of the Group of Humanities continued visits to the organizational units of the University of Sarajevo. On20 April they visited the Faculty of Philosophy and the Faculty of Pedagogy.

Like previous visits to organizational units of the University of Sarajevo, realized in the past period, and visits to the Faculty of Philosophy and Pedagogy were organized to see the circumstances in which faculties organize their work and development, and priorities and problems to be addressed through joint action of the University and Ministry, with the aim of continuous development of the University of Sarajevo and improving the quality of higher education.

In accordance with the established practice during the visit, the faculty management was presented with current events related to the establishment of the Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Youth of KS, and activities related to the preparation of a new law on higher education and the implementation of funds for science development building scientific and artistic research capacities.

During the visit, Faculty Deans presented to Minister Husić-Mehmedović the key activities and results of their work and especially emphasized the contribution and achievements achieved through the scientific research work of their professors, associates and students. Most of the conversation, however, was left for dialogue on the development challenges facing faculties.

At the Faculty of Philosophy, Minister Husić-Mehmedović and Rector Škrijelj met with Dean, Prof. Dr. Muhamed Dželilović and his associates. On that occasion, Dean Dželilović acquainted the attendees with the current situation at the Faculty of Philosophy, problems that arose in the process of integration of the University, development projects of the Faculty of Philosophy and other issues related to its smooth operation and functioning.
The interlocutors agreed that the solution of the existing problems requires cooperation between the Faculty, the University and the relevant ministry, as well as further joint action with the aim of achieving the goals and tasks from the mission of the Faculty of Philosophy.

At the Faculty of Pedagogy Meeting, where Minister Husić-Mehmedović and Rector Škrijelj met with the Dean, Prof. Dr. Daniel Maleč and his associates, topics related to the reform processes and integration of the University, the development of the Faculty of Pedagogy, scientific research and its improvement, the implementation of the teaching process were discussed. During the meeting, it was pointed out that the Faculty of Pedagogy functions as a higher education institution in accordance with modern educational tendencies in the world, European standards in education of educators and development needs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as its indigenous cultural values of special public interest.

Ministrica Husić-Mehmedović i rektor Škrijelj posjetili Filozofski fakultet
Ministrica Husić-Mehmedović i rektor Škrijelj posjetili Filozofski fakultet
Ministrica Husić-Mehmedović i rektor Škrijelj posjetili Pedagoški fakultet