University of Sarajevo Faculty of Economics is a part of the BBI program for leadership and excellence

Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu dio BBI programa za liderstvo i izvrsnost

The Faculty of Economics, University of Sarajevo has joined the BBI Leadership and Excellence Program. The project, aiming to become a platform for future leaders in the world of business and social life in Bosnia and Herzegovina, was launched last year by Bosna Bank International (BBI). The agreement on cooperation was signed in Sarajevo by Prof. Dr. Jasmina Selimović, Faculty of Economics Dean and Amer Bukvić, BBI Bank Management Board President.

The Faculty of Economics Dean pointed out that agreement signing represented another indicator of Faculty’s orientation towards modern trends in higher education, pointing out that BBI League would enable Faculty of Economics students to hone their competitiveness, negotiation skills and learned material. The BBI Bank Management Board President pointed out that human resources are the most important capital of a state and society, and reminded that this program, which includes competitions in negotiations, debates, and socially responsible behavior, was previously launched with the best students of four Sarajevo schools: First, Second, Third and First Bosniak Lyceums.

Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu dio BBI programa za liderstvo i izvrsnost
Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu dio BBI programa za liderstvo i izvrsnost