Representatives of the University of Sarajevo Participated in the EUPeace Research Impact Conference on “Historicities of Security and Peace”

Predstavnici Univerziteta u Sarajevu sudjelovali na EUPeace Research Impact konferenciji “Historicities of Security and Peace”

Held at the University of Marburg from 9 to 11 October 2024

Predstavnici Univerziteta u Sarajevu sudjelovali su na EUPeace Research Impact konferenciji o temi “Historicities of Security and Peace” koja je održana na Univerzitetu u Marburgu od 9. do 11. oktobra 2024. godine.

1EUPeace Research Impact Conference on “Historicities of Security and Peace” is result of joint efforts of Collaborative Research Center “Dynamics of Security”, the Center for Conflict Studies and the EUPeace Research Hub “Security and Conflict Transformation”.

At this Conference, the University of Sarajevo representatives presented their research on three panels within WP6 Research Hub, “Security and Conflict Transformation”.

I panel A Hybrid Approach to Peacebuilding 
Chair: Ehlimana Spahić 
Paper 1: Counter-Hegemonic Practices in Resisting Nationalist Hegemony: Struggles and Challenges of Leftist Mobilization and Organization in Post-Socialist Bosnia and Herzegovina (Jasmin Hasanović
Paper 2: Peace education in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Role of Schools and Universities in building peace education in a diverse society (Fatima Mahmutović & Selma Ćosić) 
Paper 3: Culturally Sensitive Approaches in Hybrid Peacebuilding – Case of Memorial Centre Srebrenica – Potočari (Sarina Bakić
Paper 4: Stabilization of Bosnia and Herzegovina Through Integration into the EU Single Market (Ehlimana Spahić & Valida Repovac Nikšić) 


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II panel Disinformation as a Security Challenge in the Era of New Technologies

Chair: Sarina Bakić

Paper 1: "Deepfake Phenomenon: Security Risks and The Material Impact of AI in the Era of Disinformation" (Amina Vatreš
Paper 2: "Disinformation in Pacific Island States: Responding to Diverse People, Places, and Spaces" (Jennifer J. Williams et. al) 
Paper 3: "Disinformation as a Security Challenge in the Era of New Technologies: Implications for Small States" (Sanel Huskić) – Online presentation 
Paper 4: "Media and Information Literacy in the Function of Detecting Disinformation" (Enita Čustović) – The paper was not presented for health reasons.




III panel Remembering Peace

Chair: Benjamin Brendel

Paper 1: Remembering the Treaty of Berlin (1878): Beginning of a Peace or a Trigger of Violence (İlkay Yılmaz)

Paper 2: Memories of Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Melina Sadiković)

Paper 3: Democratic Peace – Democratic Security? Remembering the Peace of 1919 in the Interwar Years (1919-1939) (Eckart Conze)



In addition to these panels, associate professor Amir Duranović and associate Ajdin Muhedinović from the University of Sarajevo collaborated in organizing the panel “Performing Peace and Security in the Balkans: A Historical Perspective (19th–20th Centuries).”

For more information’s see program of the conferences:

Ovaj prevod je također dobar, ali nekoliko sitnih izmjena može poboljšati jasnoću i stil:

Apart from the conference's central event, the visit included additional activities: the EUPeace event on "Open Science & Open Infrastructures: Fostering Research for Peace, Justice and Inclusive Societies" held on 8 October 2024  and the WP6 meeting held on 9 October 2024.

Since collecting data on open science and infrastructure is an ongoing process within the Alliance, the University of Sarajevo contributed to this event by collecting data for the Alliance's presentation through WP6.

The first in-person meeting of WP6 was held on 9 October 2024, and it was attended by members of the Research Hubs and Doctoral Studies (WP6) team: 
•    WP6 leader for the University of Sarajevo, associate professor Ehlimana Spahić,
•    associate Professor Sarina Bakić, 
•    senior associate for administrative affairs dr. Melina Sadiković, 
•    teaching assistant Fatima Mahmutović, MA.